A synthesis of Kantian Stuff

Skanked from Umberto Eco's Kant and the Platypus: Essays on Language and Cognition (Figure 2.1)

  Judgments Categories Schemata Principles of Pure Intellect
Quantity 1. Universal
2. Particular
3. Singular
1. Unity
2. Plurality
3. Totality
Number Axioms of intuition:
all intuitions are extensive qualities
Quality 1. Affirmative
2. Negative
3. Infinite
1. Reality
2. Negation
3. Limitation
Degree Anticipations of perception:
in all appearances, the real possesses an intesnsive quality, a degree
Relation 1. Categorical

2. Hypothetical

3. Disjunctive

1. Subsistence and inheritance (substance/accident)

2. Causality (cause/effect)

3. Community (reciprocal action)

1. Permanence of the real in time

2. Succession of the manifold

3. Simultaneity of the determinations

Analogies with experience:
1. permanence of the substance

2. Temporal succession according to causality

3. Simultaneity according to the reciprocal law

Modality 1. Problematic

2. Assertive

3. Apodictic

1. Possibility/impossibility

2. Existence/nonexistence

3. Necessity/contingency

1. Agreement between the synthesis of different representations

2. Existence in a determined time

3. Existence in all times

Postulates of empirical thought in general:
1. that which agrees with the formal conditions of experience is possible

2. That which is connected with the material conditions of experience is real

3. Things whose connection with the real is determined by universal conditions of experience necessarily exist

and yet...